900 Hanwell Rd., Fredericton, New Brunswick, Canada

Code of Conduct Form

About Us

Athlete Code of Conduct

To keep sport in proper perspective for everyone involved with Team New Brunswick. Aboriginal Sport and Recreation New Brunswick and Team New Brunswick representing NAIG 2023 has adopted the following Code of Conduct.

  • I will be responsible for upholding the Spirit of the North American Indigenous Games.
  • I will demonstrate and instill a respect and courtesy toward opposing players, coaches, and officials.
  • I will always show respect to my coaches and manager. I will encourage my teammates and have confidence while provide positive feedback in dealing with their mistakes or poor performance.
  • I will respect the decisions of the officials.
  • I will have pride in being a good example of an athlete – in appearance, conduct, language, and sportsmanship.
  • I will show the qualities of fair play, initiative, honesty, leadership, self-confidence, communication, cooperation, and self-discipline.
  • I will not use my alcohol, drugs and tobacco while representing Team New Brunswick before and during the games.

By signing this document, I am honored and privileged to be a part of ASRNB and Team New Brunswick as I encourage positive sportsmanship, respect, leadership, and role model within the North American Indigenous Games.
